Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Login required, hits keep coming

It has now been about 22 hours since I required login in order to press the button. Traffic has only slowed a little, and I'm hoping this is just the spam bots having been turned off because they didn't work anymore to keep the time pegged at zero.

Here's a graph of peek and press interval for the three weeks since launch:

As far as I can tell, the jump in activity around 4/21 was due to a sighting at where the button was listed under "bizarre" web sites. It may also be that all those days of hammering hits were people's toy bots playing with the button.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Boo to spam

Someone was trying to flood with 4-5 pushes per second (obviously automated). I don't know how long this has been going on, but it was keeping the time artificially pegged at 0. It should be fixed now, but this requires people to log in to the app in order to be able to push it.

I was going to happily say that there have been about 500,000 page views in the short three week life of the button, but I'll have to check again and see if I can filter out however many may have been from this one loser.